Games For The Holidays That Will Last All Year Round!
As you are all aware I love me so board games.
I have a huge closet filled with all types, from children’s must haves to total
adult chaos. But not Monopoly…. Don’t ever bring me a Monopoly board- bad thing
happen when my family plays including such famous lines as “There are rules for
a reason Jenn.” I’ll show you rules…. Anyway, off the point here. This holiday
season I have four great games that are brand spanking new that are worth the money
and have high replay value.
Another game from Ravensburger is that AMAZING…
Let me say that again... AMAZING Harry Potter Pictopia! The ultimate family
picture based trivia game. The game content is completely
update with all the
movies and books up to 2017 including Fantastic Beasts. The luck of draw can
give you a really hard in-depth question or one that is more simplistic which
is great for the cooperative play that the game incorporates as well. The board
is beautiful and as with all the games from this company is very sturdy and
well made- which is good because it is going to be reused many a time. Games
range from about 30 minutes to an hour depending. Awesome game definitely pick
it up! Also $19.99 and available at Target .
Vampirina is
the newest in the long line of Disney JR. television program hits and this game
is going to blow up right beside it! Aged appropriately at 3 and up Spin and Go
by TMG’s favorite WonderForge is a awesome twist on bingo that the lil’s will
love! With brightly colored pictures of
the cast as well as two spinners (we know how much the kiddos and adults love
to spiiin) this game is easy enough that the kids will catch on quick but not
too easy that they will lose interest. There is that fine line- that
WonderForge gets every single time with all their games- it’s not easy guys but
hey nail it! So, everyone spins to see where you can play on the board the kids
need to match the color patter shape OR character in order place a piece, then
if you spin on Spin Go Round triangle everyone switches spinners!
Reviewed by Maureen Aucone
Reviewed by Maureen Aucone
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