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UglySnuglies Review!


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     You may have seen a commercial for a certain stuffed toy called Ugly Snuglies.  I know I did. I would only catch the end of it, and then couldn’t remember the name so when the company reached out to me to do a review I was super excited.  The company has developed not only a stuffed animal- it is so much more. Their mission statement is that they are so ugly they are cute- which happens to be true, but the true gem is the one that is hidden within each of them.  From a cat to a unicorn, each stuffed animal is an extra-large, super soft plush and each has their own very special hidden “talent”.

     We received two for review, the Pig, and the
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Unicorn.  I was truly surprised at how big and, well, snuggly they were! No really, I find myself stealing my sons all the time- it is that comfortable.  The pig's silly little face hides the fact that he is also in fact a piggy bank!  Yep. How cool is that?!  Put the money in his mouth and save up until you want to cash it in.  Then take it out the old fashion way, in the toosh just like an old school piggy bank. Since I sleep with him more than my son does (fine I may steal it from his slumbering arms) I am more than likely to give the kid a buck instead of a quarter so the coins do not shake about.  So really, X is making out like a bandit.  However, kids do not care if there are coins in there, they will sleep with him anyway jingling every time they flip him over with him, or drop him off the bed.  It is actually really cute.
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    The unicorn, also a bright pink has an alarm clock on its rear that really works!  I gave it to my tween niece who of course loves unicorns, loves pink and hates getting up. However, while she spent her two week visit here, she used the alarm every single day, and she slept with it every single night. I am telling you guys, they are comfy. 

      Of course these plush’s are supposed to be appealing to children, however they also convey a different message.  Do not judge a person, book or stuffed animal by the way it looks!  You never know what is in the inside.  One of my favorite toys of the season, the Ugly Snuglies have been sent out to three of my family members across the country for the holidays, and I may just have to buy myself my own. Maybe Cat- that little guy has a light on his tail! #christmaswish

     Buy yours today! 

Review And Edited By Michael Aucone

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