Zing! As I have shared with you all over the past three years, we love this company. I stumbled upon them quite literally three years ago at the New York Toy Fair when one of their super foam arrows bonked me on the head. It was love at first hit I guess you would say. This year they are coming out with some great products, including the Firetrek Rocket Launcher, just in time for the spring and summer seasons. Using their super soft rubber and foam technology, this set comes with two light up and whistle screaming rockets. With the help of the easy to use slingshot, they can fly up to 250 feet in the air without breaking a sweat.
Each rocket has a switch that will turn on a led light that's perfect for night time play, they easily hook into the sling shot and have a tail on the end that you pull to launch. Pull back as far as you can to launch them straight up in the air and you will hear them whistle as they soar closer and closer to the 250 foot mark. No worries though, you do not need to dodge and throw yourself out of the way when they make their way back down to your lawn. These foam arrows with give you the smallest of pats if you happen to be in its landing area.
Great for kids eight and up (or for us kids that never seem to grow up), these babies are super fun to play with at night. We (and when I say we please note that I mean my friends and myself) have gone out after dark, lit them up and shot them up in the air in such a way so they will land on the chalk circle we drew on the street. A simple yet frustrating game that we had a blast playing with for a good hour. My son and I did the same thing, only instead of chalk circles we used his toys as markers for how far away they landed after launch. Any way you play you will have fun and will find it amazingly addictive.
The slingshot launch system is not only easy to use but does not hurt your hands after the launch. The arrows are soft and made for durability as well as speed and will not hurt when falling from the sky. However, I do not suggest aiming it at anyone front on or while they are bending over to pick something up. It will hurt I assume, and it is not like it happened to me.
These bad boys are about $20 and are available at Target as well as online. They are well worth the money to get your kids (or your friends) out of your hair for an hour and expose them to some good old outdoor play. Just keep in mind that 250 feet will land one of these babies on your roof, so either have a ladder ready or make sure your kids stand away from your house. Heed this advice and you and your Firetek Rocket will have a long and fun relationship, day or night!
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*we received this item for review- however all our opinions are our own- if we did not like it we would not write about it!
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