There IS a box like that, and it is affordable and kinda brilliant. Tips and toys is a subscription box developed by experts in pediatric development. They do all the work of researching the best toys in the industry to not only give your child a great way to play, but also help develop those basic, but super important, cognitive skills.
Every month that you subscribe you will get a box full of fun toys that will also be the best in the biz for your child's learning. Even better you are going to get a nice pamphlet of tips that will help you guys play in an educational way (yeah I know that rhymed, I am impressed with myself)
We received two boxes for two different age groups to review. The first one is the baby box priced $59.95. This set included the "Look Look" book written by Peter Limenthal($6.99), Lamaz ($6.99), Oddball Classic ($6.99), Sassy Mirror ($25.99) Taggies little crinkle blanket ($20.00) and a envelope full of amazing tips and tricks to let your child make the most of their new toys! For example the "Look Look" book. Everyone thought I was crazy when I started reading to my son at one month old, but I have been validated! This black and white book is the easiest visual style for your child's eyes.
Reading will increase your child's curiosity and simulate her neural synapse connections. LOOK AT THAT! For my friends that are reading this- I told ya so..... maybe not in such big words, but still!
It even tells you how far away to hold the book from your child for her optimal viewing. Come on- your telling me you knew that?
Besides getting an array of toys at a good price (I looked up all the prices and you are saving well over $20.00 including the tax if you bought these things separately) but you are also learning WHY these items exist. When I had my son I thought that the arm rattles were a gift from god keeping my kid entertained for a good fifteen minutes while I could you know- relax. But in truth it helps with your baby's body awareness. It helps them learn how to pay attention to something and focus on that item.
I learned so much from a box full of toys and a few index cards. I have plenty of babies coming into my life soon and I feel like this would be a wonderful gift for them.
With tips and toys, you get amazing high end products and explanations for how they benefit your child. It's written in such a way that you don't feel like your stupid for not knowing this already. Creators Sara and Jane are professionals in the field, moms themselves and know that its impossible to know everything about everything. The tips are written like a mom guiding you rather than screaming at you- and I LIKE THAT!!!!
The second box that I received was just amazingly timed in this house. I am trying to get my son to write his letters. Its hard and annoying and I try and make it fun but I am kind of failing. Tips and Toys sent me their Pre-writing Adventure Set ($35.95) and it made me jump for joy. This included Jaw Bones 12 piece set ($9.99) Magic Pictures ($6.99) Triangle crayons ($2.99- I love these things! I reviewed them for Crayola and they are an amazing tool in writing development), Jungle Fun Farm ($5.99), and activity lacing ($10.00) and finger paints. This box is amazing and honestly its not because of the toys that are included inside- although they are great- it is because of the tips.
I am pretty good at teaching my son the necessities of life we were all on top of the ABC's, 123s, colors, shapes, rhyming and alike but I am really having a problem getting him to write. Both of us get distracted easily, and I just can't think of ways to make writing a letter over and over again be fun. This box included two packets of pamphlets for the adults to read. It explained how the toys included helped your child's fine motor development and to exercise those tiny muscles in their hands so they are prepared for writing skills. It has one way to play with the toys, and then how to extend the play later on. Take the finger paints for example- the easier play is honing your child's creative skills and using their fingers at the same time. The extended play is using the paint as a tool to create letters, a maze and more.The second pamphlet gives you amazing ways to really advance the strength and dexterity of the fingers, and developing palmer arches. Everything your child will need to "learn" to write correctly. This box has changed my approach completely when it comes to trying to teach my son how to write. I couldn't be happier!
Want to learn more about the creators behind Tips and Toys, and the company itself. Well we were lucky enough to do a Q/A with them that I will share with you!
MG: On the Tips And Toys "About Page" we learn that the inspiration for these toy boxes were
born after putting a box together for her daughter's entertainment for a long road trip. 18 years
later we are able to get these customized boxes on our doorstep. How did you get from
entertaining your own kids to entertaining our kids?
Jane: For me, it actually worked the other way around. After many years of working with kids, I
finally got the chance to “teach” and “entertain” my own child using the skills I developed as a
therapist. My daughter was always a prime guinea pig for new developmental games and
activities. And, she loved it!
MG: How do you choose which toy is best out of everything on the market?
Jane: We choose from a lot of therapy "faves." Sara and I also visit the New York Toy Fair each
year to get a hands-on look at all the latest and greatest products coming out on the market.
While it is often difficult to find toys specifically targeted towards foundational skills at
traditional toys stores, our trips to the Toy Fair have never failed us in finding really wonderful
MG: Do your boxes change month to month for the same age range? Or is there progressiveness
to the boxes that are given in the monthly subscription. ie: There is more intercity every month.
Sara: We have found that families particularly value having boxes that target the types of skills
they are hoping their children will learn. The original Tips and Toys philosophy was for each
child to get each of the 5 boxes in order to address the various primary areas of foundational
skills. At this time, the boxes are available o purchase individually or as a complete set. The
contents of each box are geared for 3 to 5 year olds. As we continue to develop more boxes we
will design boxes for more specific age groups which will become progressively more
challenging. For example, the box you received would be the Getting to Write 1; we hope to
offer a version 2 and 3.
MG: Both Jane and Sara co-founders of the company are very accomplished. Jane is a practicing
pediatric physical therapist with over 30 years of experience, while Sara is a pediatric
occupational therapist. Dedicating their lives to helping children with development issues. Why
did they choose this course of work?
Jane: I have always loved kids, science and medicine. A career in physical therapy was the
perfect combination for these passions. But, the reason I stayed with it after all these years is
because I feel so fortunate to be in a field where I can see a measurable difference in children’s
lives as a result of my work.
Sara: I’ve always been a people person and have always liked to analyze and understand how
people process and how I can intervene to impact children’s ability to learn and succeed in
school. When a child first comes into our office, we make it a point to look at the overall
development of the “whole” child so that we can have a comprehensive approach in developing
their therapy programs.
With founders like these, I can fully support this product and was happy that they sent me their boxes to review.
Go check it out for yourselves:
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