Trivial Pursuit just got Whoerific with the Doctor Who Edition! But this is not for the faint of heart- oh no. Hipsters that are just jumping on the bandwagon beware- this has 50 years of Doctors and episodes of trivia behind it. From William Hartnell to Paul McGann- my personal favorite. You will be wowed stumped and spiraled into a Doctor Who-a-thon after opening up and taking this game for a whirl. Your trusty sonic screwdriver will not save you against the toughest of questions that this game has in store for you.
Since this game is trivia based let me throw some wholedge your way. The 23rd of November 1963 was when Doctor who was broad casted promptly at 5:15pm. In it's origin it was created to be a educational family show that would fit between the ever popular football and evening entertainment programmes. When The first Doctor wanted to leave the series after only three years, the idea of a regenerating doctor was born. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!
With the show reaching new heights since its resurrection in 2005 it is considered the longest running and most successful science fiction series in the world, and there is a butt load of trivia to support it!
This very special Trivial Pursuit game comes in it's own blue wedge with a coinciding theme. It is small and portable with six categories- Time Lords, Monsters Stories, Years and Dates, Companions and Cast, and Crew and Beyond. It has 600 questions. Yeah you heard me 600!!! and has custom Dalek die. You can play it alone or add it in your classic boxed version if you choose, but the one thing that is undeniable is the fact that YOU NEED TO OWN THIS.
I am going to give you some questions, please feel free to answer if you know them- but we are working on the honor system here people. Trust is a must!
From the Time Lord section: What Doctor is the first to encounter the Cyberman?
From the Cast Crew and Beyond section: Peter Capaldi appeared in the "Fires of Pompell" but in which political comedy did he star as Malcom Tucker?
Yeah m I got the first one- but the second one...I had no idea but found the answer quite intersting. I won't keep you in suspense for long though- I will post the answers in a week. Can't wait that long? Well then go to our friends at or your local Barnes and Noble and pick it up for a cool $19.95. Good luck gents!
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